Friday, September 07, 2007

RIP P-Rott

So sad to hear about the death of Pavarotti, or as he’s known in Rap circles..“P-Rott”.He was a big influence on me and the way I sing. As many of you can tell, a lot of my vocal “stylings” were ripped directly from him. He was a true inspiration.
Speaking of P, I noticed a couple of things other than the smell of sheep shit and tobacco curing when I was out on my long bike trip this past Monday. Number one, wearing bright colors is good for making drivers aware of you but it makes it a lot harder to hide in the woods to take a pee without being noticed. And number two, (No attempts at #2 were made, BTW!) my legs never get as sore as my ass does.
Do y’all get calls from drunk people at 9:30 in the morning? You’re lucky.
I hope some folks come to our gig tonite. It’s actually from 7:30 to 10:30. Should be a beautiful night.


roscoe said...

raise your seat up a little

Unknown said...

what up TA... my crew will be coming for at least a partial ass-kickin'. we'll be monitoring your no ugly word attempt -- wouldn't want my youngun to accuse you of talking like her daddy.

Anonymous said...

burn down da house tonight, T !

Anonymous said...

My favorite thing about Pavarotti was always John Candy's portrayal of Johnny Pavarotti in SCTV's Godfather parody.

RIP both big guys.

Tom Compton

Ace said...

Nothing is as cool as Pavorotti singing "This is a Man's World" with James Brown. Check it out on YOU TUBE.

Anonymous said...

Guys don't make fun of it. I heard Maverotti was very sad...