Saturday, September 08, 2007

city market first Friday

The OakTeam “Family show” last night really couldn’t have been more IG-NUNT!
There were a bunch o’ kids running around and dancing to the music and even getting up and singing on “Purple GTO”, which along with “Daddy Had a Wreck” seemed to be a favorite for the Kindercare crowd.


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Even though we hadn’t played since August the 1st we were tighter’n Dick’s hat band!


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Those who hung around long enough realized that we were serious about the NO UGLY WORDS theme of the gig. The new hit “Get Your Hiney up the Road” was a highlight of the evening, even though it made many of our diehard fans start searching for the barfbag! Staying away from the “ugly words” was harder than I thought it would be. I DID let an “Ass” slip after the breakdown in “Git yo’…”, but other than that I was golden. Remembering to say “dang” instead of “damn” almost threw me off a few times but I think I caught them all.


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