There's really no way to describe what I've been through over the past 7 years..uhh, I mean days. I can only compare it to being an out of shape marathon runner having to run non-stop for well...7 days. Just stupid busy. WAAAAY to much work to do during the days at the end of last week and then throw in a night of recording (the Santa song), followed the next night by a full on 2 and a half hour non-stop rock and roll show (after working all day) followed by another day of way too much work (on Sat.) followed by a day of driving (on a Sunday, mind you) 80 miles out of my way to do an hour of work out by the airport before going another 150 miles to Myrtle Beach to do a job down there going up and down a tall ladder for two days (and as you can see the ceilings were pretty high up there, maybe 22 feet), ONLY to run out of paint just before finishing. THEN I had to drive forever to get the paint. If you've ever been to MB you know what I mean, it's like one big strip mall about 20 miles long. But I finshed the job about 6 o'clock on Tuesday and got home in time to lay in bed and listen to sirens run up and down the road all night. THEN went to work today and the lady I'm working with on this restoration project had hired a Mexican helper (who speaks NO, I mean nada English!) that was assigned to me so I had to listen to circus music all day (and you think I can't sing?) and try to communicate with my very limited Spanish vocabulary. Just another typical week in the life of Terry Anderson. I think my favorite part though was Sunday when I got to MB and I went to the grocery store and wasn't looking where I was going and rammed my cart into a tower of wine bottles. I watched in horror as they hung in mid-air, like in slow motion and eventually came crashing to the cold tile (once white..now red) floor. Que Arroyo!! This old world gets kookier and kookier! Good Times, Good Times!
Oh! by the way, the OakTeam is opening for somebody at the Pour House tomorrow (Thurs.) night! I have no clue who it is. I'm always like.."they oughta be opening for US! I don't care WHO it is!" What a pompous ASS I am, sometimes!!
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Hey T,
You should move to a smaller country. Makes work a lot easier.
The Netherlands for instance. If you drive 150 miles frome here, you're in Germany, Fance or Belgium. Can't be in the Netherlands no more, it's too small. Plus: we need good painters. Really. Oh, and some good ole rock 'n roll wouldn't hurt, too.
I'm working towards that. But forget the painting part! Maybe just Rock and Roll all the time!
And party everyday............
I like peach. And typing the secret word verification of "gufkz."
Yeah - I'm drinkin'.
Red wine tonight, for a change.
Is Ace a stalker? Doesn't he know I'M your biggest fan???
well..where the hell were you last night, bitch!
Ok, I'll go away.......
I was workin' - dammit.
It's OK, Ace. Stalk away.
Drankin' the rest of the red,
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