Wednesday, February 25, 2009

three of the ugliest...

...MF's...chip robinson, ian maclagan, ta
OMG! I thought I wanted to post this picture but once it came up I was sadly mistaken! Had a blast at the Ian MacLagan show in Raleigh last night (thank you a trillion times to Joey Ward for driving!...and to my wife for picking me up off the couch and helping to get me in the car!). Yeah, I know it was a Tuesday night but we still let the good times roll. We ran into tons of old (and I DO mean OLD!)friends down at the Berkeley Cafe and drank our fill of Guinness in his honor! I was thrilled when I walked in (as they were taking the stage) and Mac said to me "Hey Terry, great to see you again". One of The Faces said that to me! Unbelieveable! They looked a bit tired but played great and the show was still a blast. The songs are still the songs, ya know!? Love the guy! Such a sweetheart.
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Anonymous said...

That's a GREAT picture of you three!

Anonymous said...

Now that's what I call ugl.. handsome.


Anonymous said...

Rock Star,

I had just about gotten used to the shock of seeing an image of your mug on your blog page. When I took my daily look at the page yesterday, it about knocked me down: TWO pictures of you, and one of Chip! That fellow between you seems nice enough and sure isn't scary.

Give an old man a break! I've got a bad heart!

I hear a good time was had by all Tuesday night. Sorry I had to behave and stay home. Hope to see you, and Chip, on stage again soon.