Friday, August 31, 2007

OMG! I suck!

Jesus, Mary and Ralph! OMG! Today I went out to my car to try to find some scissors to cut my hair with (it was all in my eyes and shit!). When I looked into a tool box I found a cassette tape with my name on it. It was really old, early 80's or so, and I didn’t even know if it would play or not. I had my G.E. portable cassette recorder with me so I popped it in. Hell, ya never know there might be a little nugget on there we can use for the next record.
The first song wasn’t so bad. It was The Fabulous Knobs doing a song of mine called “Love Letter Late”. It’s kind of a rock-a-billy diddy with not TOO embarrassing lyrics. The next one wasn’t quite as good. It was my demo of a song The Knobs used to do called “Encourage Me”. The guitars were outta tune and my singing was a lot more horrendous than it is now (can you imagine?). Anyhoo, the more the tape played the more I wanted to kill myself. Each song was just another kick in the nuts. I mean, did I really write a song called “Lips, get ready”? This was the by far the worst of the bunch. It was like a Kiss throwaway. Listening to it was like somebody cutting open my back and scraping my spine with a jagged rock. This song really hurt my feelings.
There were other bad ones too though. There was one called “Heartache to Follow” which I cleverly took from the phrase “hard act to follow”. You know, after writing a song that stupid why didn’t I just quit after that? At that point, I was still young enough to go back to school or go to some Culinary Arts Institute or something. I could have at that point still made something of my life. Oh well! At least I got enough sense not to let anybody else hear this shit. You’re only getting the best folks…and there is a HUGE gap between the really bad and the really good!


Anonymous said...

What would those be ... D Sides? That bad, huh? Maybe you oughta roll out one of these beauties just to see if anyone's listenin'.

"And now something from the early days ..."

TA said...

Oh! I already know the answer to that question!

Anonymous said...

Hey T, I just got out of the car listening to 'When the OAKteam comes to town' and rest assured y'all DON'T suck anyway not these days!
MAN that motherfucker ROCKS!
PS Who is singing Sunday Dress?
PS PS 'I can give you everyting' is way beyond what I expected when I read about it. It's a wonderful wonderful song!

TA said...

Thanks Gerben! That's Jack singing "Sunday Dress". He should sing all of'm, right?
Get us a gig in Holland!