Wednesday, December 09, 2009


Wow! It’s so windy outside that I need a glass of wine. It’s 2pm on Wednesday afternoon, but what the hell, right? So, I’m thinking about a recent note sent to Jack’s blog saying in effect that this person liked us better when we were “more serious”. Really? When the hell was that? This has to be somebody from my high school, cuz that’s the last time remember taking myself seriously as a musician/songwriter, long before I knew the deal. See, I thought at that time that if you had good songs and played the hell out of them then there was a chance somebody would pay attention to you. It was sometime during my college years though that I figgered out that it took a little more than that, you had to be PURTY too! “Oh well”, I sez “Not much chance of that”. And from then on, every band I’ve been in (whether it was apparent on our records or not) has had a cynical view of the record business and has been motivated only by our love of music and the fun of playing together. The silliness that results from being together in the van for hours on end often results in song ideas. We can’t help that. Sometimes our antics on stage inspire silly songs. We can’t help that either. But what really boggles my mind is what kind of a damn nut would be in a band, over 50 years old AND take himself seriously? If you had taken yourself seriously for that long, wouldn’t you have killed yourself in frustration by now? You just can’t do it. Have fun. That’s what we’re trying to do. Now, back to that wine…


Anonymous said...

Rock Star,
Thassa new one: It's so windy, I need to take a damn drank.

But I LIKE it. Permission to use that 'xcuse some time soon, please sir?


Anonymous said...

Jeez, why are you blogging so seriously today? Must be the wind and all

TC Rocker said...

Isn't it the season to be eggnogorant, wind or no wind? Stay not serious, and merry happy (fill in the blank)

Anonymous said...

Sorry TA, I didn't think about the fact that you probably read the comments on Jack's blog. I apologize if any offense given. I understand where you're coming from in your songwriting and it makes a lot of sense. Gotta have fun with it. I like your attitude and I think a whole lot of your songs really kick ass. Cheers. Keep rocking.