Saturday, June 23, 2007


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So how cool is this? Philadelphia Inquirer writer, Nick Cristiano dropped me a note last week and saying that he would be in town this weekend and wondered if we were playing. Unfortunately we were not, but I was more than happy to meet with him for a quick hang on Saturday afternoon. He had said some real nice things about us in recent reviews so despite his Yankee garb I let him in my car for a ride over to Jack's house where studio magic is born. Jack and Jon were putting the finishing touches on the new Cartridge Family record as we walked in. It was a beautiful day and we had a great time shooting the shit about music, baseball and my disdain for hockey among other things. I'd like to thank the people of Raleigh for behaving themselves for the arrival of our distinguished guest!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Does your friend Jack play for Trace Adkins?? He looks reeeel familiar!