Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Back in the US!


Hell yeah! Great to be back after a near perfect tour of Europe. Yes! TV in English! Washcloths to wash your face with! TarHeel basketball! No more bumpy plane rides! Waiters that understand us and give us yogurt when we ask for yogurt and not a grilled ham sandwich! Something to eat besides cheese and bread, cheese and bread, cheese and freaking bread! Screaming kids wanting all your money! Bills! Crappy wine! Going to work painting houses! Hey wait a minute! Ahhhh! I wanna go back!!
As you can see, I'm starting to go through my pictures (This was my look in Palma de Mallorca). I've now deleted them down to a paltry 760 pictures.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Terry;
you deleted pics?? Hopefully not the ones you took of me in Winterbach...! ;-)

All the best, Arthur

P.S. Come back soon -you are always welcome!