Sunday, April 27, 2008

best solo

I think the best solo prolly ever on a recordin’ of mine would have to be Mike Krause’s solo on “Count On It”. It’s track #9 on the “You Can’t Bite me with a Monkey in your Mouth” thingy. #2 would HAVE to be Scott McCall’s solo on the next track, #10-“Disconnected”. Now this is all contingent on the fact that we all agree that the best EVER solo is the one that Big Al does on “Mr. Busdriverman” (PS- my most favorite song ever that I ever wrote!)..and that excludes any of David’s solos! Speakin’ of David…that’s him on the Pops Staples parts on “Disconnected”, very probably his last recording. But then I start to think about Big Al’s solo on “Bad Enuff to Crawl”.
Uhh…!!!It’s too much to figger out!!!!! Just drink…and dig it!!


Anonymous said...

Yea, it's a tuff one but the Finnish vote goes to....Big Al and Mr. Busdriverman. Al is just simply bigger and better.

Anonymous said...

My personal fave is the solo in "What Else Can Go Right" - again Mike Krause I think?

Beautiful phasing and tone....breathtaking...

So how's things over there on the other side of Bunn? Stop by and see us sometime....

halfpear said...

I'm gonna vote for "Bad Enuff to Crawl". Big Al unlocks some mysteries on that one, creates some others. Can't ask for more than that from a solo.

Anonymous said...

What? Did my comment suck?